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The ADKAR Conversation Guide

Everything you need to start talking about change at work

The Joyous ADKAR conversation guide book cover

We’ve created a conversation set that aligns with the ADKAR model and is centred around individual experiences of change.

This set can be used by leaders to prime conversations with their team members about change. It will help leaders understand how each of their team members is coping or feeling about a change.

It’s important to understand that the ADKAR conversation set is not only about measuring change, but is a primary change agent.

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How to affect change at an individual level

To successfully affect change, many organisations use the Prosci ADKAR® Model.

ADKAR can be used to facilitate individual and organisational change by clarifying the goals and outcomes needed for successful change.

ADKAR stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement. These are outcomes required of an individual to enable lasting change at an organisational level.

of the need for change
to support the change
of how to change
to demonstrate skills & behaviours
to make the change stick


ADKAR can be used as a tool that facilitates the planning of change management activities. It equips leaders with the tools they need
to guide a change and support employees throughout the change process.

Using this guide for conversations

This guide contains 20 unique conversations centred around change management. It’s suited to companies looking to facilitate organisation-wide changes.

Working people receive one conversation each week for 20 weeks. Conversations should begin before any change had been made to ensure action can be made in real-time.

Conversations contain two parts: a statement that people rate on a scale of 0 - 10, followed by a free-text conversation starter.

Conversations are designed so feedback gives leaders insights into how individuals are coping with a change and whether additional support, training, or resources may be required.


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Joyous conversations