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Get the 2020 New Zealand Employee Experience Benchmark Report

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Get one of the most complete New Zealand specific datasets for employee experience.

We've combined data from over 280,000 pieces of employee feedback.

View results by industry, company size, location, department and age to identify potential risk areas within your business.


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Benchmarks with actionable insights

How the report is structured

Culture and environment ratings by department

Measuring Feedback

We took the results from over 280,000 pieces of employee feedback, broken into four key areas of work, or ‘realms’:

Culture & Environment

We group Culture and Environment together because they are the resources that people need to do their jobs well. If you get Culture and Environment right you will empower your teams. Get it wrong and you will limit them.

Fairness & Inclusion

Fairness and Inclusion are comparative. At work, we compare how we are treated and what we experience with how others (in a similar position) are treated and what they experience.


Well-being refers to the psychological functioning of people in the workplace. A common mistake is to think of it as a mental illness issue. But the presence of illness is not the same as an absence of positive well-being. Well-being is important to all workers.


Employee engagement is a measure of the emotional commitment people have to your business and its goals. Simply, engaged employees care about their work and their company and are more likely to do all the things that make your business great - from serving customers to inventing new products...everything!


Breaking-down the Results

We took all the results, and broke them down by different criteria, looking at the percentage of positive, neutral and negative responses in each realm for each different group. Giving a clear idea of where the greatest strengths and weaknesses appear:

  • By Industry

  • By Organisation Size

  • By Region

  • By Department

  • By Age & Tenure


Fairness and Inclusion by Region

Where people live has a major impact on every aspect of their working life according to the study. The realm where we saw the most variation between regions was fairness and inclusion.

Fairness and Inclusion is a spectrum. Getting it wrong disheartens and discourages. Getting it right creates the basis for a motivating employee experience... Employees perceive that their treatment and the distribution of rewards is fair. They have opportunities to be involved in decisions and to develop their careers. And they feel that they belong in the team.


Fairness and inclusion ratings by region around New Zealand

Get insights from over 280,000 pieces of employee feedback.

View results by industry, company size, location, department and age to identify potential risk areas within your business.

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